My 2009:

Strong, Intuitive, Engaged, Gutsy, Loving...

Tuesday, October 14

Photo blog about Chef Brian Au's visit with us in Tn.

At the top of the blog you may notice my new mascot photo. That is Brian's spur of the moment, let's see what's in the fridge, veggie sushi. I was hesitant about the 'shrooms, but to his credit, the whole thing tasted as good as it looked!

Chef Brian Au's Raw-violis were great! Mmmm... and so quik too!
Another one of those... Let's see what's in the fridge recipes...

He really can do what he says!
Raw in ten... for under 10 bucks too!

Omg, you shoulda tasted the raw Reeses cups! Mmmm....
Then there were the tacos he made for me Friday... Aren't they pretty?! And easy!

Chef Brian in action, we caught him off guard! He is such a good sport!

And he gives away free stuff too! I am a happy camper... And so were the kids!

Having Brian here with us for 5 days was sooooooooo cool! While we hardly had time for him to teach us everything he knows, lol, he did teach us several very helpful things!


Chuck was his tour guide while in Nashville, here they are posing before heading out on Saturday...

Evidently I missed something on Friday while I was at work, because Chuck called Brian 'Samurai' from Fri evening on... Here Chuck had him pose for the nickname shot...

I believe it may have had something to do with the height of my weeds in my yard? Hmmm....

While the guys were gone Saturday, Kas and I played in the kitchen all day. Turns out she's got the knack for raw food! She made a yummy raw soup, and here you see her making tomatillo lime jalapeno salsa completely from scratch and by intuition.

The salsa was approved by the tough judging committee...

Then cleaned up...
(The aftermath..)
to be continued...


Anonymous said...

I can just tell what a lovely time you all had!! The pictures are amazing, too!

Lots of love to you!


badash said...

dang, i really wish i went to that meetup!

We should meet up again sometime soon! EH!?